Identifying and referring patients with functional vision problem to a behavioral optometrist will gain you a patient for life. We will send a full report on all results from additional testing, periodic updates on their progress, and ultimately release the patient back to your care upon completion of their vision therapy program. A quick cover test, EOMs, and NPC can be the difference between a referral for discovering an undiagnosed visual problem or a child continuing to struggle in silence.
Teachers and Educators
Do you have any children in your class who do not seem to be performing up to their potential? Or you know a child is very bright, yet their grades do not meet that expectation? Too many children struggle unnecessarily from an undiagnosed vision problem. We offer FREE developmental vision screenings for children you suspect may have a learning related visual problem. Please fill out the referral form with the child’s parent/guardian.

A pediatrician is often the first person a parent goes to when they have concerns with their child’s development. Knowing who to refer to for further testing is crucial for building and keeping a parent’s trust. Whether it’s an eye turn, failed vision screening test, or a behavioral problem, a developmental eye exam is often the simplest next step to find the answers parents seek. We work together with various health professionals to get each child to the person who can help them the best.
Psychologists and Psychiatrists
Anxiety, anger, frustration, inattention, and poor behavior are common reasons children are referred for a psychological evaluation. These behaviors are commonly rooted in an undiagnosed visual problem. We strongly believe a child should have a full developmental eye exam before any diagnosis of ADD/ ADHD or other behavioral or mood disorder are diagnosed. We are always seeking like minded mental health providers to help guide our patients through the changes Vision Therapy brings to their life.
A pediatrician is often the first person a parent goes to when they have concerns with their child’s development. Knowing who to refer to for further testing is crucial for building and keeping a parent’s trust. Whether it’s an eye turn, failed vision screening test, or a behavioral problem, a developmental eye exam is often the simplest next step to find the answers parents seek. We work together with various health professionals to get each child to the person who can help them the best.

Physical/Speech Therapists
We work closely with OTs and PTs to provide complete comprehensive care to our patients. There is often overlap between functional vision problems and other deficits in motor skills. If you notice a patient hit a barrier in their progress and think it may be due to an undiagnosed visual problem, please send them to us for a complete developmental evaluation. If there are underlying visual skill deficits, we can work together to help each person reach their potential.