Initial Concerns:
School performance below potential
Words run together while reading
Skips words while reading or copying
Substitute words while reading or copying
Reverses letters, numbers or words
Reads very slowly
Poor reading comprehension
Vocalizes when reading silently
Difficulty copying from the board
Omits small words when reading
Misaligns digits/columns of numbers
Poor spelling skills
Poor/inconsistent in sports Holds reading too close
Trouble keeping attention on reading
Difficulty completing work on time
Says “I can’t” before trying
Becomes restless when working at his/her desk
Must “feel” things to see them
Poor hand/eye coordination
Poor handwriting
Writing is crooked or poorly spaced
Does not judge distance accurately
Does not make change well
Loses things/belongings
Forgetfulness/poor memory
Weeks of Vision Therapy: 36 weeks
How are they doing now?:
No More Visual Symptoms
The primary goal of vision therapy for Alexa was to address and alleviate her visual symptoms. We're thrilled to report that post-therapy, Alexa has been free from the visual challenges that once seemed so persistent.
School: A Renewed Experience
With her visual symptoms in check, Alexa's perception of school has completely changed. No longer burdened by comprehension issues or the strain to keep up, she's actively participating and enjoying her classes. It's truly heartening to witness the newfound enthusiasm she brings to her studies.
Alexa's Blossoming Social Life
Beyond the academics, Alexa's social horizon has expanded. Enhanced visual perception and the confidence stemming from it have played a role in refining her social skills. Today, she's making more friends and engaging in more group activities.
Reading: A Work in Progress
While Alexa has made leaps and bounds in many areas, she's still warming up to the idea of reading for leisure. Yet, when she reads for academic purposes, she's confident and comprehending better than ever before, marking a significant personal achievement.
