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We provide functional vision evaluations for infants, children, and adults. Please read the full description of each evaluation before scheduling. Chose type of evaluation below to jump to the description: 

Insurance Information:


Medical Insurance: Vision & Learning Center is considered OUT of network on all medical insurance plans. If a medical diagnosis is found during your child's evaluation, we will provide all procedure and diagnosis codes for you to submit to your child's medical insurance for possible reimbursement.


Vision Insurance: Vision & Learning Center is an open-access provider on all vision insurance plans for Comprehensive Eye Exams. As an open-access provider, we are not in-network, but we can provide you with services/materials and still utilize your insurance benefits/coverage. Please contact the office for information on your coverage. If you do not have vision insurance benefits, we are happy to see you as a cash pay patient or through our EyeQ Club. The EyeQ club provides additional discounts on services and materials.

Developmental Vision Evaluation - $550

2-hour evaluation ($550)


This evaluation is for children, teens, and college students to determine if deficiencies in the visual system are causing challenges in reading, learning, or behavior. 


Evaluation includes: 


If you are unsure if this evaluation is right for your child, please take our interactive symptom checklist or call our office to speak to our vision therapy coordinator. 


Binocular Vision Evaluation (Adult) - $350

1-hour evaluation  


This evaluation is for adults who have been referred to the office for additional testing on their visual system. We evaluate lazy eyes (amblyopia), eye turns (strabismus), double vision, traumatic brain injury, concussions, vestibular disorders, and computer vision syndrome. We are happy to evaluate any patient looking for a more in-depth vision evaluation. 


Evaluation Includes:


Amblyopia/Strabismus/Binocular Evaluation (Under 4 years) - $250

1-hour evaluation  


This evaluation is for children under the age of 4 who have been referred to the office for additional testing on their visual system. We evaluate lazy eyes (amblyopia), eye turns (strabismus), and any other concerns raised by other healthcare providers. We are happy to evaluate any patient looking for a more in-depth vision evaluation. 


Evaluation Includes:


Comprehensive Eye Exam $150



Includes health evaluation, refraction, binocular vision evaluation, visual field, and color testing. Click here to watch a video with your child to see what to expect. 


Contact Lens Evaluation $100

Additional 15-minutes


Corneal health assessment, contact lens fitting, trial of contact lenses, and one follow-up visit. Click here to learn more about our contact lens evaluations. 


Same Day Glasses - Starting at $200

We have a variety of infant, kid, and adult frames to choose from and simple lens options. 


Additional Visual Processing Testing $250 + Results Conference $150 = $400

1.5-hours testing + 45-minute conference


Additional testing if indicated following the Comprehensive Eye Exam includes: 


Click here to learn why a visual processing evaluation may be warranted. 


504/IEP Meeting Attendance - $150



Request for Dr. Murray to discuss diagnosis and classroom accommodations with the teacher and school administration. 

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